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My self Devised report explores The North West  of England’s cultural identity and how its exploited and demonised within the fashion industry. It also looks at my home town of Stockport, and how we can celebrate and appreciate working class communities without it being something that is ridiculed and stolen. 

My key insights from my primary and secondary research are:


Theres a lack of representation of Working class creatives within brands, which is leading to appropriation

- The Working class create trends by re-appropriating items of clothing not meant for them

- Trends are created through boredom

- Working class people aren’t aware they are being appropriated and higher classes aren’t aware they are doing it as the two don’t mix.

- Terrace Casual is no longer a sub culture as sportswear has lost it exclusivity.

- Stockport is a underground scene for creativity.

These insights then led me to my big idea: To create a new image surrounding my hometown of Stockport by focusing on community and place.

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